White Hill Plumbing & Heating


White Hill Plumbing & Heating is your best bet for Drainage Repair, Cleaning & Inspection.

Taking a proactive approach with plumbing can also offer significant savings and benefits.

White Hill specializing in

White Hill Plumbing & Heating understands the importance of proper maintenance of the drain system in any house, office or commercial building. The situation of clogged drains, water leaks, worn seals and burst pipes can occur unexpectedly over time. Our drain maintenance and repair service keeps your home or business clean and running smoothly.

Some of our drainage repair services include:

  • Drain cleaning and maintenance
  • Drain tile repair and replacement
  • Blocked drains
  • Drainage backups in sinks, toilets or tubs
  • Sewer line repair and replacement
  • Water main repair and replacement
  • New construction drain tiles

Proudly Serving Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley.