Plumbing & Heating Services in Metro Vancouver

We can service all of your Plumbing Needs

White Hill Plumbing & Heating offers a wide range of heating, plumbing and drainage services for residential and commercial clients for years. We are pleased to offer a uniquely cost-effective, customer-focused service to our clients.
With a team of qualified, equipped, and experienced plumbers, we are devoted to offering the highest achievable level of service, whether are a regular client or a first-time client.
We offer support service for everything from emergency plumbing and boiler failures to routine safety inspections, central heating installation and broken pipe repair. We guarantee to perform high-quality work and we are clear and transparent with our pricing.


WCB Insured

Canadian Owned

White Hill Plumbing & Heating in METRO VANCOUVER

Save Hassles, Save Money and
Save your Time

You can trust our service that we will offer completely needed work and that has been discussed and accepted with you beforehand. We want you to be sure and satisfied that you will get a reliable and thoughtful service within your home or office.
Our Service Areas in Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley Areas.

We're here to help you get started in the right direction with your project. Call us now.

+1 604-715-5454

When you hire us for heating, plumbing & drainage services, you know you’re getting highly qualified professionals who have the expertise and experience to make sure your project is done properly and functions.